Conditions of travel
A. General Terms and Conditions of Business (TOB)
Please note that any and all contracts and agreements made with us are subject to our General Terms and Conditions of Business (TOB).The following are integrate parts of the content of our TOBs:
(1) General Terms of Travel (ARB 1992) recommended by the Trade Association of Travel Agencies in coordination with the Travel Agency Committee of the Political Consumer’s Advisory Board, as modified in alignment to the amendment to the Consumer Protection Act FLG 247/93 and the Amendatory Warranty Law Act, FLG I N° 48/2001; as well as
(2) the below Complementary Conditions of the OÖ Touristik GmbH.
B. Complementary Conditions of the OÖ Touristik GmbH:
1. OÖ Touristik GmbH as travel agent and/or travel operatorOÖ Touristik GmbH
Freistädter Straße 119
A-4041 Linz
Phone: +43-732/72 77 – 200
Company Register N° 88092y
Entry number in Register of Organisers published by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs: 1998/0129
2. Payment for the World rowing Championship 2019 Linz I Ottensheim by bank transfer or credit card (VISA or Mastercard).
After your online booking you will receive a booking confirmation from OÖ Touristik GmbH within 5 days per email.
The deposit of 20% of the total amount has to be paid until 2 weeks after booking, but at the earliest 1 year before World rowing Championship 2019. The remaining amount has to be paid 2 months before arrival.
Short-term-bookings (1 month prior event):
The booking will be pre-reserved for 5 days. If incoming payment occurs on time the booking will be confirmed.
Otherwise the option-booking is going to be cancelled.
If the invoice amount won’t be on the bank account of OÖ Touristik GmbH on the due date, OÖ Touristik GmbH reserves the rights to cancel the booking.
The number of rooms available is limited, reservation will depend on the availability of the hotel and
these prices are for this event.
Extra charges (telephone, minibar, meals, parking fee etc.) will be paid directly at the hotel.
All above mentioned prices are including all taxes as known at date of proposal.
In case of any changes on official taxes, we keep us the right to adapt prices.
If payments are transferred to our Austrian account, the customer will have to ensure that the
Austrian bank fees will be charged to us. Foreign bank charges in the country of the customer will be
borne by the customer.
3. Cancelation conditions
3.1 Before the start of World rowing Championship 2019, the customer is entitled to withdraw from
the contract anytime. Such withdrawal has to be confirmed in a written form. In case of a withdrawal
or no-show, we are entitled to charge the following cancelation fees (percentages refer to the
relevant travel prices):
- from 13th April 2019: 70%
- from 19th July 2019: 100%
Change of booking
In case of any changes at the booking done by the customer (change of travel date, duration and
transfer due to change of travelling person, etc.) until 1st of August 2019, we will charge a processing
fee of € 50.00 for each change in booking. Afterwards the cancellation fees are valid.
4. Liability
4.1 As regards third-party offers, we shall only be liable in our role as agent to the extent as defined
in Part A of the ARB 1992.
4.2 For all damage – except injury to persons – we shall be liable as travel operator, in case we (or an
individual person we are responsible for) have caused such damage with intent or gross negligence.
4.3 We will not accept any type of supervision (custody) for minors or persons who are not fully
legally competent. Minors and other persons who are not fully legally competent may only
participate in the World Rowing Championship 2019 accompanied by a responsible supervisor. When
the World Rowing Championship 2019 is booked for minors, customers must name a supervisor,
parent or legal guardian in any case. Otherwise the booking will not be processed.
5. Passport, visa, foreign currency, customs and health regulations
The customer is responsible for his/her compliance with any and all passport, visa, foreign currency,
customs and health regulations.
6. Complementary Conditions – Differences to the ARB 1992
The Complementary Conditions of OÖ Touristik GmbH shall apply in addition to the ARB 1992.
7. Securing travel prices
We inform you that Austria’s travel operators are obligated to secure the travel prices paid by the customer to the travel operator according to Art. 7 of the EU Package-Travel Directive. The securing of customer payments is done by way of a bank guarantee (see invoice). This bank institute is obligated according to the agreed terms to guarantee and/or refund customer payments.
8. Securing customer payments
Based on the Travel Agency Decree StF FLG. II 316/99 including amendments from 2001, 2003 and 2006 according to the EU Directive 90/314/EEC. In case of any insolvency of the travel operator OÖ Touristik GmbH, payments already made for travel services that will not be provided anymore, as well as necessary expenses for return trips are covered by a bank guarantee of Raiffeisenlandesbank at Linz, Raiffeisenplatz 1, to an overall amount of EUR 445,020.23. In case of insolvency, assistance requests and reimbursement applications are to be submitted to Europäische Reiseversicherungs AG,
Kratochwjlestrasse 4, A-1220 Vienna, phone +43/1/317 25 00, fax +43/1/319 93 67. Complete reimbursement applications must be submitted within 8 weeks. The submission must be documented. Otherwise all claims will be dismissed.
Terms of responsibility
With the check mark set, I as the Head of Delegation of my country, duly enrolled to participate in the World rowing Championship 2019 which will be held in Linz I Ottensheim, Austria from August 25th to September 1st , 2019, with full knowledge of the Statues, the Rules and the Norms of the FISA, pledge myself to faithfully accomplish the regulations of this before mentioned entity.
I take any and all administrative, civil, and criminal responsibilities for whatever happens to our athletes, coaches and other members of our delegation participating in the championship, before, during, and after the competition, such as physical injuries, personal expenses, or monetary debts and casual material damages to the hotels, the venue, means of transportation, etc.
Furthermore, I exempt from any legal, civil or criminal responsibilities the organizers of the Worldcup, the FISA, its directors, as well as any person, company, or entity related to the event (sponsors, public and private entities). I authorize the organizers of the event to use images, photos and the names of our competitors and other members of our delegation (since it is considered necessary) for the sport activities and publications of rowing, related to the event, without any monetary compensation.